Teastaionn Cabhair?
Luaíochtaí Ball VIP
Faigh 2 x pointí luaíochta do chomhaltaí VIP as seo go dtí Lá an Bhuíochais.
Foghlaim tuilleadh faoi phointí luaíochta na mball VIP
Gnéithe an dearadh dísle patrún mealltach súl-chruthach ón Dungeons & Dragons Beholder a ghabhann croílár an chréatúr uathúil seo.
Sraith fíorálainn, déanta go cúramach chun críche bronntanais.
Gan dabht, is é seo an rogha is taitneamhaí le cur i láthair do dhíograiseoirí D&D.
Tagann an tacar D&D Dice le bosca luchtaithe cineál-c is féidir a úsáid go leanúnach ar feadh 24 uair an chloig tar éis Muirearú 3.5h .
👁️ Dearadh Uathúil : Folaíonn gach dísle ollphéist súl uafásach, cosúil leis an Sealbhóir iomráiteach in Dungeons & Dragons.
🌟 Cáilíocht Préimhe : Déanta go cúramach ó ábhar ABS durable, cuireann dísle LED Seerootoys an meáchan foirfe le haghaidh láimhseáil chompordach. Uiscedhíonach (IP68) le haghaidh cosanta breise, meascann siad stíl le substaint.
💡 Éasca le léamh : Ardaigh do oícheanta cluiche le soilse ildaite radiantacha 15 soicind (soilse ildaite) chun torthaí a sheiceáil gan stró.
🔄 In-ath-inúsáidte & Áisiúil : Déantar na dísle seo a innealtóireacht le haghaidh úsáide buan, agus tagann na dísle seo le bosca in-athluchtaithe agus corna gan sreang le haghaidh luchtú éasca. Coinníonn muirear 3.5 uair iad glowing ar feadh 6 uair an chloig, ag láimhseáil 1200-1400 rolla.
🎁 Rogha Bronntanais Foirfe : I bpacáiste fíorálainn, is bronntanas iontach é Seerootoys' Beholder Dice Set do dhíograiseoirí RPG, bíodh sé ina Dungeons & Dragons nó Pathfinder.
🔒 Ceardaíocht Saineolaithe : Le 8 mbliana taithí, táirgeann Seerootoys 100,000+ aonad gach lá, ag cinntiú cáilíochta trí thástáil dhian. Bain sult as muinín le polasaí fillte 30-lá, gan stró, le tacaíocht thiomanta.
Looks just as pictured. They look really cool, I wish I could see the eye a little better, for that to happen the numbers would need to be much smaller and difficult to read or much bigger dice. These dice are typically sized with good edges making them good for practical gaming.
The eye-shaped pattern on these dice never fails to grab everyone's attention. They're not just dice; they're a conversation starter. These dice are a real conversation starter. The eye-shaped pattern is captivating and never fails to grab everyone's attention during our gaming sessions. They add an extra layer of excitement to the game.
Captivating Beholder Design! The eye-shaped pattern on these dice adds a unique touch to the game. It's like having a Beholder on your tabletop. A must-have for DND enthusiasts. These Beholder-themed dice are a real gem. The eye-shaped pattern not only sets them apart but also adds a touch of the D&D world to your gaming table. They're a must-have for any true DND enthusiast.
The Perfect Addition to Your Collection! If you're a collector of unique dice, these should be in your collection. Their durability and style make them stand out. These Beholder LED dice are more than just a game accessory; they're a work of art. The eye-shaped pattern and the 15-second colorful lights make them a standout addition to any dice collection. I can't recommend them enough!
I charged these dice once when I got them, and they're still glowing strong after weeks of use. No need to worry about constant charging.
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